Mk 6 Fenn Spring Trap

The Fenn Trap Mk 6 is approved for Rabbit, Mink, Grey Squirrel, Brown Rat and Weasel.

The trap must be set in a natural or artificial tunnel which is suitable for minimising the chances of injuring or killing non-target species whilst not compromising the capture and killing of target species.

It is the law to use these traps in a tunnel. Check traps at least twice daily.

Make the inside of the tunnel approx:
170mm wide x 165mm high x 550mm long
Dimensions of trap closed:
125mm wide x 155mm high x 135mm long
Dimensions of trap set:
160mm wide x 60mm high x 135mm long

Important Safety Note

The spring on this trap is very powerful. Under no circumstances allow body parts past the tunnel entrance once set. ALWAYS USE THE SAFETY CATCH!! This trap potentially has the power to break the bones in a human hand!

Always correctly position and protect your spring traps from non-target species. Regularly check traps in accordance with current legislation and risk-assess potential sites to avoid accidents.

Contact Us for prices and more information